Good morning!
When it comes to our employment, one of the main questions most people want to know upfront before taking the position is…how much does it pay?
Here Paul gives a comparison (Whether they hired on intentionally or unintentionally) of how a soldier is always paid a wage (rations) as his reward for his service. His pay could be rendered to him in several different ways. In meat, meals, money, clothing, or even promised real estate/land that would be split up and shared upon the war’s end.
Paul’s point is that sin works similarly. When we let it in and keep it in our lives, it will compensate us. Unfortunately, death is sin’s reward.
The sin which hires you must pay you (Galatians 6:7-9). Fortunately, Paul concludes the verse by letting us know there is a way of escape. Provided we have Christ and allow Him to operate within us.
It is up to us to strive to be led by the spirit as opposed to our flesh in every area of our lives, as stated in Romans 6:12
…Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts
If we continually yield ourselves to God (As opposed to our flesh) we will inevitably begin to cancel out our desires (as we renew our minds Rm 12:2) to yield our bodies as instruments of sin.
It’s easy to look around us and determine that we dwell in a world where many fall victim to the wages of death from their selection.
We must stay vigilant as we are warned in (1 Peter 5:8 – Be of sober spirit, be on the alert…) and not let Paul’s warnings fall on deaf ears.
Let us strive to rely on the perfect gift of Christ to direct us in every area of our lives. Recognizing that spiritually there are so many things mistakenly sought after in this life that are not worth the price of what they cost! Let alone what they pay.