Good morning!
It is always my hope that anytime anyone hears God’s word they allow it the chance to bring about Godly change in their lives. This text implies that only when we allow it to penetrate our hearts is repentance in a position to happen. True repentance brings about salvation.
Wiersbe suggests that a distinction can and should be made between regret, remorse, and repentance.
Regret is that activity of the mind (intellect) that causes us to say, “Why did I do that?”
Remorse touches us a little deeper causing us to feel disgust and pain (Involving both the intellect and the heart), but not causing us to change our ways.
True repentance brings in the third aspect of our minds – our will. To truly repent one must have a change of will. “Godly sorrow” is the catalyst that brings us to true repentance. [Warren Wiersbe, Be Reverent, p. 149.].
Let us strive to never overlook the truth that only Godly sorrow can lead us to true repentance and ultimately bring about the changes so many people desire their lives to reflect.
Have a blessed day in walking in forgiveness!