Good morning!
Many of us have experienced where people have amazed us. Many however have done so in the wrong way. Verse 6 tells us of one of the only two occasions in the Bible (The other in Luke 7:9) where Jesus was amazed/marveled by people. He was more used to people being amazed by the miracles He often performed.
However, in this instance, Jesus marvels at the attitude of the people. He wasn’t surprised by what humans can do, but He was amazed at their lack of faith. Marveling at their inability to believe in Him despite all the miracles they’d seen Him do.
This should also serve as a reminder for us to do all we can to avoid hindering God’s ability to work in our lives due to our unbelief.
It is a fact that many people are quick to say they believe in God when questioned about Him from a salvation standpoint. However, when it comes to answering that question during some of life’s most challenging and critical moments, they can’t seem to answer with much confidence due to unbelief creeping onto the scene.
Matthew 13:58 – Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
Let us strive to walk by faith and not by sight (Or fright) recognizing that unbelief can cancel out God’s ability to move in our situation(s).
Praying you have a wise and faith-filled day in the Lord, in the power of His might!